TBC ESL Ministry
*Contact* |
Information on how to contact the ESL ministry as well as various contact email forms are available in this section.
The ESL Ministry office is located at Trinity Baptist Church's library and is open only during registration days (9:30 am - 12 pm) and ESL regular in-person class days (9:30 am - 12 pm) when ESL in-person classes are in session. For in-person consultation, please come during ESL office hours. Otherwise, please use the general contact form below.
Parking for ESL students is available in the back 3 parking lots. The front parking lot is for staff and handicapped parking.
Trinity Baptist Church is located at 1460 West 49th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V6M 2R5, Website: www.tbcvancouver.ca. Tel: 604.266.6238. Office Hours: Mon-Tues 10-4, Wed 10-12, Thurs-Fri 10-4, Closed on public holidays. [**The church secretary can only take messages for callback later, and cannot answer specific ESL questions!**]
If you have questions or comments, please contact us through our General Contact form.