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座右铭: 学习英语...分享主恩
使命: 透过英语教学和介绍加拿大文化给新移民,同时也与他们分享我们对基督的信仰
教学时间: 一年三期(秋季、冬季与春季),
英语级别: 初级班, 中级班, 高级班 (通常能开班)
课堂形式: 一般来说,第一堂为英语课程,第二堂则是介绍圣经。
人数: 每期约开办9-12班,约200人
起始时间: 初始形成在1987年,正式开办则是在1988年
地址: 1460 West 49th Ave., Vancouver, BC V6M 2R5
电话是: (604) 266-6238
电邮地址: office@tbcvancouver.ca



TBC Church

省三一浸信会英文班是一个由义工主导的福音事工。旨在帮助移民学习英语,同时也与他们分享我们对基督的信仰。 我们的秋季、冬季及春季英语班通常约10-12周,一般是在每周二及周四早上。 我们的事工已经持续超过30年了。





我们的地点在三一浸信教會:1460 West 49th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6M 2R5, Canada, 教会网址:www.tbcvancouver.ca. 若想直接与我们联系,请转至一般联络表




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"Wherever you are in all the world, show and tell the Good News about Jesus Christ…" (Matt. 28:19, unknown translation; NIV translation – "Go and make disciples of all nations…")

When people think of spreading God’s Word, they often think of missionaries going to far off countries. While there is certainly a need for this, there are also other opportunities that can be done at home. ESL is a special ministry of Trinity Baptist Church that ministers to the world that is coming to Vancouver’s doorsteps.

The idea of ESL at Trinity Baptist Church originated in 1987 at a Deacon’s retreat. At that time, the deacons were reflecting on what Trinity Baptist Church had done in the past and to see where God was leading them in the future. After much prayer and discussion, one of their conclusions was that ESL could be a possible ministry for the church to participate in. Many new immigrants from Asia were coming to Vancouver at that time so there was a great need to teach English to newcomers. It would be a good way to build relationships and reach out to new people. The deacons wrote a letter of invitation to the congregation: If there were sufficient interest and need, they would try to minister in this way.

First to respond to this call to ministry was Greta and David S. in 1988. Supported by Pastors Andrew K. & Ivan H., they opened the first ESL class here at Trinity, teaching English and sharing the gospel to 15-20 students 3 times a week.

Taking over from the S.'s in 1989 were Phil & Myrtle M., Kay R., and Christine S.. With the professional advice of Gerry S., the ESL ministry twice-a-week on Tuesday & Thursday mornings helped the students learn English, read the Bible, meet Christians at church and in their homes, hear about Jesus, and experience Christian love firsthand. Students started attending worship services, and were visited in their homes.

"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field" (Matt. 9:37-38)

The number of students that came doubled each year over the next few years: from 20 to 40 to 70 to 130. More help was needed, and more people answered the call to this ministry, such as Muriel G., Muriel O., Sheila R., Naomi P., Bingo W., and Ernie & Edythe E.. Even some our former ESL students started helping, too. But even more helpers were needed as this ministry’s growth was going to jump beyond people’s expectations.

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before, endured the cross…" (Heb 12:22)

To help steer this ministry in the right direction, a committee was formed under Earl P. to help ensure ESL maintained to be an outreach ministry – sharing the love of Christ and His Gospel -- rather than a community service. Proper procedures and standards were set up, and a mission statement was developed to help maintain its focus. "Following Christ’s example of love and commitment and using the best available methods and materials, we will provide any newcomer to Canada with first-rate education in English as a second language and an introduction to our Christian faith." The many pastors that have served in this church -- Ivan H., Andrew K., Tom M., Brian R., John F., Stephen W., Greg A., Paul S., John W. and many others – have also done their best to help keep our eyes pointed on Christ.

The ESL continued to expand over the years. It branched into Wednesday night classes for newcomers who were working during the day. Afternoon Bible reading classes and early morning choir practices were added. Other churches even came and sat in on the ESL classes to learn how to create their own ESL ministries. There was a great deal of support and contact given through the church, the pastors, deacons and the deaconesses. More people came to help ESL, such as Ted L., Majorie G., Theresa H., Tina H., Norm R., Fran H., Hilda C., Kim C., Earl P., and Art R.. Outside of regular ESL times, there were additional effects on the church. Some of the students became members of Trinity. On Sundays, a bilingual fellowship that eventually became "New Life Fellowship" was created to support the ESL students and their families and friends. Even an extra bilingual worship service was added at 9:30 on Sundays.

Within 10 years of its inception, the ESL ministry had grown under the guidance of its principal, Phil M., to more than 250 students, 12 daytime teachers, 2 nighttime teachers, and >30 helpers supporting it. Every corner of the church was utilized for classroom space. ESL families became actively involved in many church activities from daycare to couple classes, as well as church boards. Also, some of the former students became ESL teachers. ESL had become a signature ministry at Trinity Baptist Church; a model in the region for this kind of ministry.

But all of us only have a short time here on Earth before we are called home. In 2003, Phil M. and Kay R. left to be with the Lord. And the leadership of the ESL eventually shifted to me and Lorne K.. The teachers and helpers have changed over time, but the mission remains the same: to teach English and share our faith.

"Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain!" (Ps. 127:1)

This ESL ministry has been around for about 21 years now. It is a testament to the pioneers who built the foundation of this ministry – they built it on the rock that is Christ. With Christ as the cornerstone, thousands of people have heard of Christ. And we of the ESL ministry today will follow the example they have shown us and keep our eyes on Christ as we serve.

(Here is a poem regarding ESL that Phil M. probably wrote:)
"For the workers are led by the Spirit
And will love them with God’s own love.
And welcome them to Canada
Invite them to Heaven above."



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